Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Aria's Style

Aria's style is very different and out there. It is so wild, its cute! I don't think I would ever wear anything she does but, it look erally good on her.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hannah's Style

Hannah's style is very modern but very cute! It is a mixture of modern and traditional. She mixes things that I could never think of. It is so cute! I love it! I don't think I could ever pull any of it off though. Maybe some people can.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Specer's Style

Spencer's Style is very professional and cute! She dresses the way I wish I could dress. I love her style. Almost every episode, she has on something new and cute! I wish I could just take her clothes and keep them for myself. I love her style.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coming soon!

The new Pretty Little Liars season is coming up fast! Is anyone else just as excited as I am? We are just a few weeks away from the first episode! Be ready for a shocking episode!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Ted is the priest or minister of the church. He is a new character of the show. Ted and Hannah's mother are dating. They seem to be perfect for each other. They are getting very serious.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Wesley Fitzgerald

Wesley is Ezra's little brother. He has only been in a few episodes but he is a little important  He told Aria that Ezra got a girl pregnant in high school, now they don't know what happened to her. He is bring back some old problems and creating some new ones at the same time.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mike Montgomery

Mike is Aria's little brother. He and Aria were very close until their parents split up. He went on a rebel rampage. He went as far as breaking in to someones house. He is sneaking out and just being a rebel child. But I think he is really hot! He's a bad boy type!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jason DiLaurentis

Jason is Alison's big brother. He is pretty sketchy. He was messed up the night Alison died, so he doesn't know exactly what happened. He and the girls are trying to figure it out. He always comes and goes out of the show. He just randomly disappears and then reappears. Will the girls find out what really happened that night?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Is everyone excited for Thanksgiving?! I know I am! :D There is not a Pretty Little Liars episode this week.. so we will have to wait. I'm just letting everyone know, I will not be updating my blog until the Thanksgiving break is over. I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wren Kim

Wren is really one of my most liked people on the show. He has a heart melting accent. His accent will make you just love everything he says, even if it is bad. But that is just me. Wren is a doctor at a hospital. Wren ad Melissa were engaged but, Wren started to have feeling for Melissa's sister Spencer. Wren and Spencer had a thing for a while. That ended quite quickly. He is now working at the mental hospital that Mona is placed in. Since Hannah goes to see Mona a lot, they started to get closer. Wren tried to kiss Hannah. She rejected him and has be a-wall on him. Even though he has had a thing with almost three girls on the show, he is still my favorite. He is yours?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lucas Gottesman

Lucas... Oh Lucas. He was one of my favorite characters until the girls stated to find clues that he was apart of the A team. Hannah and Lucas were really close until he invited Caleb to stay at him house. Then he was acting all weird. At one of the parties Lucas and Hannah went to, he tried to get Hannah alone on the lake. Hannah was scared that he was going to hurt her so, she pushed him out of the boat. He didn't turn up for a while. Hannah thought she killed him. Then he turns up. He is still acting all weird. Do you think Lucas is apart of the A team?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Upcoming shows!

The next upcoming show will be on January 8th, 2013. The episode is gonna be called 'She's better now'. What do you think this one will be about? I think it will be about Mona being better and being released. What do you guys think it will be about?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Melissa Hastings

Melissa is Spencer's older sister. She is not a really big character in the show. She pretended to have Evan's  baby. Everyone thought she was gonna have his baby but she lost it. The four girls found out Melissa has something to do with Alison's death. We will just have to find out what will happen.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lyndon James

Lyndon is mostly recognized by the name Nate St. Germain. He pretended to be Maya's cousin. In reality he was Maya's creepy stalker that Maya way really afraid of. He had the hots for Maya but Emily didn't know. Once Maya died, he moved his way to Emily. Once Emily found out who he really was she tried to escape but he kidnapped her girlfriend Paige. She saved Paige by running away. Nate followed Emily. She ran up to a light house and Nate pulled a knife on Emily. Caleb showed up with a gun, he got knocked out. Emily got the knife away from Nate and stabbed him. Nate died, so you think... You see him going for the gun and he shots Caleb then finally dies. Caleb ends up in the hospital but he will be okay.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Paige McCullers

Paige is Emily's new girlfriend. In the start of the show Paige tried to drown Emily in the pool. I think it was because she was frustrated about her feelings towards Emily. Once Paige told Emily about her feelings, Emily blew her off. After time and after Mia died, Emily and Paige started to date. One day this guy Nate kidnapped Paige and almost killed her, but Emily helps her escape. Now they are going stronger than ever.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mona Vanderwaal

Mona was Hannah's best friend until all the girls came back together. Mona felt dumped and all alone. She i ow apart of the A team. She tied to get Spencer to get join the A team, if she didn't Mona would kill Spencer. The girls caught Mona before she could hut Spencer. Mona was put into a nut house. Mona talked to Hannah saying she is sorry but on the Halloween special she snuck out of the hospital to do her 'A' stuff. She pretended to be Hannah's boyfriend Caleb. Hannah never found out it was Mona. At the end of the night she went back to the hospital like nothing ever happened. She sure is not right in the head.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Episode

On Tuesday October the 23rd Pretty Little Liars had a special Halloween episode like they do every year. I am gonna tell you what happened. So if you have not seen it and wanna be surprised, don't read this yet! Okay so, on the Halloween special all the girls went on the ghost train. Of course A was on the train too. Do you guys remember from last years special, that weird baby mask? Well it appeaser in the special too. When Aria was feeling down about Ezra not coming Adam Lambert came to talk to her. But as soon as he left A put sleeping powder in Aria's drink. Could Adam somehow be involved?
Every one notices that Aria is missing  Everyone goes to look for her. When Spencer is alone the guy in the baby faced mask kidnaps her. It turns out to be Garrett. He explains to Spencer that he never killed Alison, but Jenna thinks Garrett killed Alison. When Garrett went back to check on Alison, he said Aria's dad was there having a heated dissociation with Ally. When Spencer goes to find Aria to have Garrett explain this to her, A tries to kill her by chocking her. But after a minute or two Page comes to the rescue!
When Aria wakes up she is a big box all tied up! She tries to escape but all she does is tip the box over! When the box tips over, she looks to her side and there is a dead body!! That dead body turns out to be Garrett! As she is trying to free herself, the A team tries to push her out of the back of the train. Just before she falls he friends save the box from tipping over. The police come and take statements. As they are taking statements Toby and Noel get into a fight, Toby pushed Noel into the ice chest and to what I think is Alison's dead body slides out of the chest with all the ice.
At the very ed of the show, there is a hand trying to dig its way out of the dirt.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Garrett Reynolds

Garrett is one of the most unknown person in the show, even though he is a cop. He is very up and down. He can hide what the evidence of the death of Alison, but Jenna turned in evidence to say he was guilty. He was put away in Jail for the murder of Alison. Spencer turned in evidence that she hoped would lock him away forever but it ended up proving he was inanest. He was let off and is now roaming the streets.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jenna Marshall

Jenna Marshal is one of the very sneaky girls on the show. When Alison was still alive, her and the four girls played an evil prank on her that made her go blind. Then Alison just seems to turn up dead a little later. The four girls always thought it was Jenna that killed Alison. But now tables have turned. Jenna had a surgery to have her eye sight repaired. It worked but she made everyone believe that it didn't work. The four girls found out and promised to keep it a secret then the next day Jenna tells everyone it worked. The girls also thought Jenna killed Mia until they received a video from Noel. Jenna is now off the kook.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Alison DiLaurentis

Alison DiLaurentis is what this whole show is based around. She was murdered a few yeas ago. She also had the same stalker A following her every move. But untested of telling her friends she kept it very secret. That is what probably got her killed. She was always go secretive. She would always hid things that wouldn't normally be hidden. She was the leader of the group of girls. But secretly they didn't like her because she was always so mean to them. The girls are trying to solve her murder.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Toby Cavanaugh

Toby Cavanaugh is a very up and down character in the show. All the girls thought he is the one who killed Alison but how tables have tuned. He won over Spencer's trust and now are currently dating. He seems like such a sweet guy. He is very secretive though. Spencer ad Toby have been dating for a while and they have made a big choice ad they made a big step in their relationship. But the Summer Season Finally; Toby has been on the A team for some time now. Spencer has no idea... I want to know what Spencer will do when she finds out. We will just have to wait and see.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spencer Hastings

Spencer Hastings is the brains of the group. She is am over achiever to make her parents happy. But what her parents don't know is that she does a lot of things her parents would not approve of, like she is dating this guy Toby. Spencer's parents don't really like Toby because they think he is that one that killed Alison. Spencer is obsessed with trying to find out who A is. Her obsession is starting to hurt others around her.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Maya St. Germain

Maya St. Germain is more of the wild girl of the show. She is Emily's girlfriend. She has been caught with drugs so she was sent away for some time. Emily and Maya till had a close relationship. When Maya came back she told Emily she ran away to California but she actually was still in town but hiding. Then before the two could see each other again, they found her body. She was murdered. Now the group of four is trying to find out what really happened to her.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Emily Fields

Emily Fields is one of the four friends. She is different from the other girls. She is on the swimming team. She is also no into men. She like women. She had a girlfriend named Mia. She was killed at the end of last season. Emily was heart broken and still is. But she now has a new girlfriend named Paige. All of Emily's friends don't approve of Paige. We will just have to see how things go!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ezra Fitz

Ezra Fitz is a high school teacher. He is dating Aria. They met in a bar. A few days later they found out. They   continued to date. They had to keep it a secret. He then transferred to be a university teacher so him and Aria could be together. He found out his old girlfriend from high school was pregnant. What he doesn't know is that she kept the baby. Aria does know though. We will just have to see if she tell him and what his reaction will be.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Aria Montgomery

Aria Monatgomery is a spunky cute girl. She is alwaysing doing the unexpected. At the beginning of the show she makes out with this random guy at a bar. She later that he is her teacher. They continue to go out. They have to hide it from everyone. They end up telling her parents. Her parents go on a rampage! But later in time they start to learn more about their love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hannah Marin

Hannah is a cute blonde. She has had some trouble in her past. She use to be really over weight. She lost a lot of weight over one summer and became friends with a geeky girl name Mona. Over summer they both became really popular and really bratty. But then Hannah became friends with her 4 old friends. She is one of my favorite characters in the whole show. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Caleb Rivers

Pretty Little Liars is my favorite show, so I am going to write what I feel about what is going on in the show. I know it is not airing right now but the season finally was so crazy! So much went on I was about to explode! I can't believe what happened to Caleb! He is such good friend though! Hannah is very lucky to have him! Plus he is pretty cute so that is a bonus. :) I just hope he will be okay! Best of luck to him!